Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Erin's response to the yeast issue

I found a good definition of candida on

"Candida is commonly found in 80 % of the people; it is seen in the form of a skin rash and can sometimes be the cause of dangerous infections. Candida Albicans is a yeast microorganism that commonly lives in the intestinal tract of every human being. It shares space in your bowel with a variety of other microorganisms, mostly helpful bacteria, called probiotics. The bacteria to yeast ration in a healthy person; is about 10:1, so in a normal bowel everything lives in a nice ecological balance. The problem comes when your "inner ecology" gets off balance through a variety of causes. The bowel becomes vulnerable to other opportunistic' microorganisms seeking a new home. With no healthy probiotics to keep it under control, the growth of yeast takes off, multiplies and causes Candida Overgrowth yeast infection resulting in a multitude of symptoms."

Symptoms of candida overgrowth include:
lack of concentration 
mood swings 
bad breath 
coughing and wheezing 
joint swelling or arthritis 
failing vision or spots in front of the eyes 
ear pain or deafness 
burning or tearing eyes 
muscle aches 
sweet cravings 
increasing food and chemical sensitivities 
numbness and tingling 
cold hands and feet 
hay fever 
multiple allergies 
hives and rashes 
eczema and psoriasis 
chronic fungal infections like athlete's foot 
fingernail/ toenail infections

Sounds like fun, huh?

I love your candida rap Margaret yo



WHAT IS YEAST? and YES, I realize the word is perhaps grosser than "moist"

Before I get into all of this, I just want to say that the main objective of this cleanse is to STARVE it. We can do this by juicing but we can also do it via raw salads and giving our digestive system a rest during the day. Please stay tuned for more information.

What is this yeast monstrosity of which I speak of? Before I dive into more detail, just repeat to yourself during this cleanse: YEAST is a BEAST I must DEFEAsT! How's that for rhymin'? Tame the Beast (of yeast). Rhyming and mantras aside, what it actually IS, is FAR more horrifying. Think about a garbage can that is between the temperature of 40 and 100 degrees and imagine how gross it'd be to find chicken or red meat in there 9 days later. Or think about some General Tso Chicken you left in the back seat of your car, a la "Sweetest Thing" and arrived back at 10 days later. Would you pass out? Possibly hurl? You're not alone. 

Here is what you need to know: ANYTHING stored in this temperature range will only *naturally* ferment, putrefy and give off an odious stench. And more likely than not, our cells are festering with some of the waste products of the very graphic description I did not leave up to your imagination above. 

The reason *women* are far more prone to it is because we live in a toxic world-one that is growing increasingly more toxic everyday and it can wreak havoc on our endocrine system and create exogenous estrogens. This is WHY we see the onslaught of hormonally-induced cancers are targeting women at younger ages and why women are undergoing menopause far earlier than they did in previous generations. 

I plan on elaborating on this a bit more later but for now, just know that you are taming the beast when you are taking in alkalizing juices. Sorry this is so short--gotta run for now.

chocolate mouse

This I need to extend a hand of gratitude to my dear friend, Naomi, whose blog is at J'Blog and I will be sending more details soon so you can take in her shear everything-you'd-want-all-balled-up-in-one-person-ness.

I *believe* this falls under the category of a clean food since it's only two ingredients, and they are both allowed. This is an old family recipe and it's to die for!

3 eggs (separate whites from yolks)
2 bars of dark chocolate (Trader Joe's 72% works for me)

Beat the egg whites until they form stiff white peaks. Set aside. In a double boiler, melt chocolate. Once melted, add the egg yolks. Mix well (the heat from the chocolate is enough to cook the eggs). One spoonful at a time, fold in the egg white. The mixture will get lighter and fluffier with each spoonful. Be very careful as you fold in the egg whites so that the mousse keeps all it's air bubbles. Refrigerate for 3 hours.

Lemon Balls

Contributed by Erin Schellenberg, detox extraordinaire, one of my very favorite people. Even angels have to eat something. Haaa!

Okay, these are so addictive...but detoxy good, so eat without guilt:P

1 avocado
juice of one lemon
touch of sea salt
4 tablespoons shredded coconut

Mush all the ingredients together and take a taste test to see if you need to adjust the sweetness and lemony goodness. Place them in the fridge or freezer and enjoy!! It's also nice to roll them in coconut too or use lime juice instead of lemon.