Wednesday, February 29, 2012

chocolate mouse

This I need to extend a hand of gratitude to my dear friend, Naomi, whose blog is at J'Blog and I will be sending more details soon so you can take in her shear everything-you'd-want-all-balled-up-in-one-person-ness.

I *believe* this falls under the category of a clean food since it's only two ingredients, and they are both allowed. This is an old family recipe and it's to die for!

3 eggs (separate whites from yolks)
2 bars of dark chocolate (Trader Joe's 72% works for me)

Beat the egg whites until they form stiff white peaks. Set aside. In a double boiler, melt chocolate. Once melted, add the egg yolks. Mix well (the heat from the chocolate is enough to cook the eggs). One spoonful at a time, fold in the egg white. The mixture will get lighter and fluffier with each spoonful. Be very careful as you fold in the egg whites so that the mousse keeps all it's air bubbles. Refrigerate for 3 hours.

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