Wednesday, March 7, 2012

A Cranky Morning...Day Two

Hey Miss Margareta,

Thank you for that fab post about Drake revisited.  I'm glad you didn't think I was a total flaky freak for getting such deep comfort from that track.  I kinda giggled at myself when I woke up in the morning cuz I didn't feel quite so inspired by it as I had in the foggy haze of night.

Well, today is Day Two. I woke up a few hours ago.  I'm kind of annoyed because I like to sleep in if I am working the evening shift.  I lay there shifting into a million different positions and tried to feel sleepy, but I was wide awake.  This annoyance is causing me to crave a muffin, or a biscuit, or toast...the mind is tricky like this, it sends out signals to our stomachs that it NEEDS some processed starch to feel better.  This is the challenge today.  I must remember that this juice fast is for my higher good, this morning of irritability is just drop in time in the big scheme of things.  Do I want a quick fix (and feel even more miserable later) or do I want to use this time to heal my body so that I can live a vibrant, healthy, energetic life?

Instead of grabbing a muffin, which unfortunately I keep around the house for my non-detoxing nephew, I sipped some kombucha.  I know this is technically not allowed on the fast, but it soothed my soul, and it looks so pretty in a cocktail glass:P.
According to the bottle of Synergy, the benefits of kombucha are as follows:
"Kombucha is a handmade Chinese tea that is delicately cultured for 30 days.  During this time, essential nutrients form like: Active Enzymes, Viable Probiotics, Amino Acids, Antioxidents, and Polyphenols.  All of these combine to create an elixir that imediately works with the body to restore balance and vitality, "

I've read that kombucha is not ideal, but sometimes, we have to decide what feels right for our individual bodies and what is the lesser of two evils.  The two evils this morning would be a muffin versus a sparkly cocktail glass of kombucha.

I've got my juices defrosting for my shift at work.  They look quite scrumptious.  The problem with freezing juices is that you have to wait for them to defrost and sometimes you want them like..NOW.  Good things come to those who wait and patience is a virtue, right?

For inspiration, I brought out a book I had purchased a few years ago called, "The 7 Day Total Cleanse," by Mary McGuire-Wien.  It also has a bunch of great juice recipes.
In the first few days of your cleanse, you may feel worse before you feel better.  This is because every cell in your body is dumping the toxic residue that it has absorbed from the air you breathe, the food you eat, and the environment you live in.  You may experience mood swings or general crankiness as emotional debris is cleared out along with food debris.  If you experience these discomforts, try to think of them as "growing pains"--they are indicators of the growing spaciousness inside you that will result in a remarkable transformation. 
Thank you Mary for the reminder. 

Now some inspiration from God :-)
God blesses those who patiently endure testing and temptation.  Afterward they will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him. James 1:12.
Thank you God for the reminder.

Thank you Margaret for letting me share this space to get my thoughts and frustrations out.  It's amazing how writing can be so cathartic, even when the words are less than poetic and just spit out on the page.

Happy Day Two!!


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