Saturday, March 10, 2012

Day Five

So this will be a quick one today. I slept in til noon today because well, I can, and now I'm enjoying 4 cups of celery, lemon, apple and spinach juice and will soon be enjoying some strawberry, coconut, pineapple juice. By today I just can't express enough just how glad I am that I opted to do this. Now I understand why everyone says the first 3 days are the hardest-- you're craving things left and right all day long having experienced none of the benefits of such a cleanse. But now that I've made it half way, I feel like I could go on juice feasting for about 100 days like the Juice Feasting guys suggest for some of their clients. I likely won't because I like food too much, but at this point it's pretty darn easy and I could easily keep going well beyond the 10 days. I think my body is so happy I am giving it so much nutrition in an era where we come from either compromised lineages as a result of industrialization and/or our food supply is depleted.

Here are the benchmarks (for me) of getting to day 5:
  • Moderate weightloss ( I say moderate because I wasn't aiming for that as much as I was nourishing my body and with all the fruit drinks I've been trying out, this sounds about right.) That said, my bod is looking better than ever. If you ever have cellulite and you want it gone? Doing this kind of cleanse is the antedote to that and it's something no one really tells you but somehow "lipo" made it into mainstream society. Want to add as the day goes on that I am finally feeling attractive in my skinny jeans--score, a direct hit.
  • Raw food glow--now that is one thing I was going for and shazam, I am finally glowing. I'd rather have some fat on my bones than look old so this makes me happy.
  • My skin cells are now teenie tiny and the skin on my face tight tight tight--chipmunk cheeks be gone!
  • I'm feeling happy and optimistic
  • I have a lot more energy
  • My body feels nourished and just clean like never before. You know that feeling you get after a long swim or when you've been in the ocean for hours and then you're on this awesome high when you get out and bask in the warm sun? It's a lot like that. 
  • Heightened senses
  • Increased focus which is big for me because I am convinced I have ADD. 
Now that I'm on "day 5" I kind of don't want to go back. Once you experience the benefits outweighing the drawbacks and the drawbacks no longer being obstacles (like cravings) you almost just want to stick to this lifestyle forever. Oh yeah-one more thing. I am having to force myself beyond my 2 year juicing plateau by creating new concoctions and it's neat-o to have new juice recipes up my sleeve. I feel like as I keep truckin' the more this could actually turn into a raw foods life style for me. I'm not sure if that'll be the case because this still takes discipline, but that said, the more I do this it begins to feel like habit and I get hooked to the way I feel, it's harder to go back. 

I wish I had something cool to post. Maybe tomorrow when I make new juice concoctions. Today I am going to work on the creative pursuit I am remaining coy on so for any readers out there, wish me luck! 


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