Saturday, March 10, 2012

Day Five and Hauled out the Juicer

Hola Miss Margareta,

I am typing this on my ancient laptop and it is LITERALLY driving me bananas (see  I am braving the laptop because I want to quickly jot down the triumphs of getting to DAY 5 of ze juice feast before I head to work. My nephewkins is using our good computer.  I seriously need to invest in a new laptop...I've said this a billion times.  I'm annoyed because the cleaning lady stayed for five hours yesterday (to clean a two bedroom apartment!!?) and I could have used that money for a computer yo.  Grrrr...okay, must let it go..deep breath...deep breath.  I suppose juices don't cure all frustrations. 

So, on a positive note, I'm super proud of myself because I decided to run to the grocery store this morning and get supplies to make my own juice rather than wait for my Booster Juices to defrost.  I don't know why I've been sooo resistant to hauling out my juicer, but I think part of it is that I had been making liters of green juice that I didn't really LOVE before I started this fast.  I would make a huge mess of my kitchen and make a huge amount so that I could freeze a bunch for later.  It's way easier just to make a liter or so and way more fun when you can use fabulously delicious  amounts of fruit. 

I have decided that a major reason that my juice fasts have unfoiled in the past is because I was trying to stick to just greens and only lemon as the fruit.  I think perhaps the idea that fruit will bloat a yeasted system is a touch overexaggerated.  I have been having fruit juices for the past 5 days and I am actually feeling much LESS bloated and have way more energy. 

So here's the juice I made today:

1 pineapple
1 blood orange
1 mango
3 zuccini
small bunch of parsley

I had about 2 mason jars leftover that I put in the freezer after sipping a huge wineglass of this scrumptious juice.  I actually blended a little up with some banana cuz I really was craving that creaminess.  I know it's technically against the rules, but I say I deserve it:p.

Okay, so any tips on how to release anger and irritation?  Sometimes juice cleanses can leave us feeling a little raw because we can no longer use food to soothe and stuff the feelings that come up.  I hate feeling resentful, it eats away at me, even when I know my annoyance is over the top. 

I hope you have a beauuutiful Saturday.  It's melting outside, crazy warm for Manitoba which is usually freezing. 



  1. Beautiful pic! I am so happy you are juicing now, bet you'll save a ton of money for a new laptop and now we can share recipes hopefully! Let me know if you want me to help you take nephewkins DOWN! ;) Also I agree that the need to eliminate fruit is a bit over-exaggerated. I do agree that the majority of people, and mostly women, are yeasted, *but* we don't necessarily need to be so hard core in our cleansing and still get tremendous results. I think the logic of achieving favorable outcomes even by incorporating a lot of fruit is similar to your awesome point about how the glass we drink has an impact on whether our bodies want the juice or not. If we are drinking juices we *love* we're making headway with incredibly results while still getting the outcome we were hoping for.

  2. Last, I believe emphasis should be on nourishment and not so much at eliminating candida. I dunno, I am still researching all that but I've spent a year without much fruit and I'm feeling a lot better adding it into my diet.

  3. So thankful for your post as always, the lovely and beautiful Erin!
