Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Day 1: Hard but Erin rules so much for contributing to this blog, I stopped noticing.

Erin, can I marry so we can be wesbian wovas? Ahh man, too bad I am straight, I shall have to send you Paul Rudd instead just as soon as he realizes how much more amazing you are compared to almost all people.

OK a real post to come, as I just got home from my weekly couple's counseling with John where I felt "bulldozed", so in the meantime, just wanted to send a shout to Erin for being the friend of my dreams and also just to merely talk about how I got through today-the day that is notoriously the hardest, which it is for me. Not so much the day but the evening I should say. What helped was distractions, meetings, and amazing friends who warm up your heart (as opposed to resorting to food warming up one's tummy tum tum) that makes this all seem totally doable and friends like Erin equally encourage me right back. "Love not food" is my new motto for juice fasting/feasting. GratiTOOD not FOOD (for now) would be another one. And Erin, I'm so sorry for not writing and meeting you with the eloquence you offered. I plan to try tonight but your post was so soulful and deep, I will have to put my propensity for silliness at bay for awhile. 

So as I said, to come soon, but just wanted to paste a new beverage I tried tonight: Vegetable Chocolate Milk because I have heard it's hearty and BOY was it!  OH BOY!?!! (to be read in Dennis' voice from Nickelodeon's 80's version of 'Dennis the Menace')

Vegetable "Chocolate Milk"
Juice Recipe:
1 lb carrots
3 romaine hearts
3 "squirts" of the chocolate nunaturals stevia (as pictured).  Yeah, squirts you read me right. 
3-4 teaspoons of organic cinnamon

Verdict on taste? It pretty much tasted like a cold Mexican hot chocolate. So if you like that, you'll probably like this. Now that I've branched out and tried this with cinnamon, I don't think I'll be going back to doing it the old way, which was just the chocolate flavoring added to the carrot juice, which, as a few of my friends have pointed out accurately, does not quite cut it in terms of passing for chocolate milk.

After having this after some vegetable broth tonight, I can say I'm pretty satiated and feel incredibly satisfied. As Erin mentioned, when your body gets what it truly *needs*, it's no longer crying out for some of the crap we usually crave. And according to the Juice Feasting guys (I can't help but imagine them to be the Brothers Kratt form the hit kids TV show, Zaboomafoo, starring that adorable lemur, zabboo, not because they sound gay necessarily but because they all share in common a ridiculous amount of enthusiasm). Leap. Leap. Leap! You can see it on their faces here:

Ok, 'nuff with this silliness. I will be posting more tonight, as with the first day there is quite the gamut to cover! Thanks for readin' if you are and hope your night thus far is as lemurific as possible. -zaboo

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