Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Rihanna & Drake Revisited

Thanks to Erin, who introduced me to this sweet jam with a back beat rhythm and a high tech sound that makes me want to move my body down to the ground...I think I am in love with it.


At first I thought it'd be like LL Cool J. reminiscing about the days the many hearts that he broke and he ain't sayin' no names--but instead all I could think about was the sweet character of Christ here.

Rihanna-  "tho you've been hurt by someone else, I can tell by the way you carry yourself ..if you let me, here's what I'll do I'll take care of you...I've loved and I've lost..."

Drake- "I've asked about you and they've told me things but my mind didn't change..I still feel the same..don't be so ashamed.. they won't get you like I will..and that truth hurts and those lies heal and you can't sleep thinking that he lies still ..you cry still..tears all over the pillow case-- big girls all get a little taste-ah- pushing me away so I give a little space -ah dealing with a heart that I didn't break..I'll be there for you, I will care for you, I keep thanking you, you just don't know, trying to run from that..on your face it just don't show...when you're ready and the baggage ain't as heavy...you won't ever have to worry...you won't ever have to hide...you've seen all my mistakes..so look me in my eyes.

In my view, this is the epitome of 'romantic'. It conjures up a modern day version of the Princess Bride where there is such devotion in the way that only true love personifies.  Maybe not the "It's my birthday and I'll get high if I want to" part, but then again I am partway convinced Jesus might have smoked weed if it was legal but I digress. I have been contemplating a lot over the year what traits exemplify Christ, and here are some that come to mind: He's a real Gentleman + He's patient with how much we 'miss the mark'; He's unconditional, kind, understands us to our core,  knows us intimately, compassionate, devoted, healing.  He, like Drake, wipes away [her/our] tears and when we're ready for Him, He is there.  He is enraptured by us no matter what the mainstream consensus may be. He knows the number of tears we have shed, hairs on our heads.. He is a God who redeems everything. The character(?) of Drake is the kind of male I would want to love ME. But he's just fictional. Or at best, a mere man mirroring the Christ we are designed as woman, to hunger for in our hearts.

Erin, thank you soooo much for sharing this. I am so glad it reassured all your fears and overwhelm because I believe there is a human version of Drake out there just waiting for you (not that that was the point of your post) and I also believe God Him/Herself was comforted knowing that a creative work by one of His creations (Rihanna) in this case soothed likely many a person's soul. Including mine tonight when my own husband I swear has PMS.

I think this might be the squishiest message I have ever written so I am going to sign off now. Inside, I feel like this:
Ron Swanson 

Love you so much girlfren'! Also the fact that someone who embodies near perfection (not to mention looks like Barbie) finds little ol' me an inspiration of sorts is the biggest compliment I could hope to receive.

PS: Here is the last juice I had for the night: desert juice. It was mango and strawberry and it was deeeee-lish!

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