Thursday, March 15, 2012

DAY 10 YO!


It's Day 10, yayyyy:-).  Though I feel a bit guilty because I haven't been 100% faithful to the juice feast, but I still feel like I've made a ton of progress.  I feel healthier, my mood is improved, my perspective has shifted.  I see that there are sunny days ahead and I believe that my body will continue to heal. Green juices and fresh fruit juices are seriously the best medication you can hope to find. Although I believe that medication does have it's role in certain situations, it can not heal the cells and tissues from the inside out as this liquid nutrition. 

If you are still not clear as to why Margaret and I are addicted to juices, let me give you a little overview of the power of fresh pressed juices:

                                                                               Benefits of Raw Juices

1. Freshly pressed vegi juices are like soap to your cells. You wouldn’t go a day without a shower or bath (we hope :p), so start to think about your juices in the same way. Fresh squeezed juice is alkaline, the waste in our cells and tissues are acidic, therefore the negatively charged juicy soap magnetizes the positively charged waste and sweeps it up and out of the cells.

Juicy Soap = - charged = alkaline = happy :-)
Gross waste = + charged = acidic = sad :-(

Juicy soap - gross waste = happy cells :-)

2. The other benefit of juicing is digestive rest. When the body has to use up so much of its energy to digest breakfast and lunch, it is not able to work on more important tasks such as repairing damaged cells and keeping the body systems in balance. Your body will be so excited to soak up the nutrient-rich, energy-filled juices without the tedious task of breaking down fiber that you will soon understand the awesomeness of fresh vegi juice:-).

3. Juices are chock-full of incredible antioxidants and phytonutrients.  You would have to eat a ridiculous amount of produce in order to get the same amount of good stuff that juice will give you.  Like that weird pillow-talk girl  ( says, "It's like an intravenous shot in the arm...BOOM,"...without the twitchy side-effects ;-).

Okay, so here's my Day 10 Juice:

Sorry for my poor quality photographs, obviously, I am not a photographer.  Can you see my pretty ballerina painting in the background?  I've dragged that poor ballerina with me everytime I've moved.  It was probably $20, but it just makes me all mushy inside for some reason...

I ate this juice with a spoon because it was was still slightly frozen, I mushed it up with a fork and it is kinda like granita.

Strawberry Sunshine Cocktail:
2 cups strawberries
1 cucumber
1 orange

That's it.  Easy as pie (but much lighter).  Garnish with a lemon and pretend you're in Cabo.  With a nice person.  Do not go to Cabo with an asshole (this may have happened to me).

So thanks again Margareta for being my inspiration and motivator. You deserve a huge hug and I'm also really excited about the circumstances beyond your control that you may have eluded to in your last post.  I love that you honour what is right for your body and you are able to be flexible and change direction when life throws you a curveball (a really cool one).



  1. OH man, I only now saw this, wish I had seen it earlier! Haha YES! never go to Cabo with an a-hole. Someone needs to write that up in the sky for all of us to see or something!!! I love the beverage you whipped up and that a $20 ballerina picture makes you feel mooshy. Remind me to send you a pic of the ridiculous 'art' we have downstairs in our basement and while I wouldn't say I attach any nostalgic value to them, I can't seem to bring myself to take them down just because they are that weird. So maybe I understand just a little. Anyway, thank you so so much for all your contribution! This is quite the long post but I love you oodles and oodles of squash spaghetti noodles(?!) xoxoxo and sending you email :) marg

  2. And give it up for Erin for detailing why juice ought to be regarded on par with taking a shower. Gotta put my thinking cap on to demonstrate to you just how grateful i am for YOU darling, hullo? more like the other way around--you kept ME motivated and incentivized to drink my juices! and if I hadn't, who knows, maybe that unexpected and amazing curve ball wouldn't have even been a thang. Love you again darling! cheers, from nj..

  3. ps: have you heard of spandau ballet? Perhaps this sweet pic could accompany the ballerina. What hunks, and I'm not even being sarcastic.

  4. you should do the rose cleanse its perfect way to fast!:)

  5. Thanks for the rec! I actually not only did this cleanse prior to this blog, but I underwent Natalia Rose's 3 day intensive detox training she holds in nyc. While I agree with her approach on emphasizing green juices and on emphasizing 'no deprivation', I am not sure I agree with her on several points. One example is that I don't agree necessarily, that chocolate is a superior choice, to say fruit, when undergoing a systemic yeast cleanse or something one should consume after juicing all day. I feel that could cause more harm than good. I also feel the rose cleanse to be far too rigid for the long haul, so while it's fantasic for a period of time, I feel like if one was not careful, that kind of extreme emphasis on food could lead to an eating disorder. Just my 2 cents from my own research and experience.
