Thursday, March 1, 2012

Sample Grocery List

Here is a list of all the things I have on hand prior to embarking on any kind of cleanse:


Organic *fresh* Ginger (for tea and to flavor juices)

Nu Stevia (to sweeten juices)

Organic Beets (makes for a great natural juice sweetener)
Organic Granny Smith Apples (perfect choice if you are yeasted, which unfortunately, is the majority of all females in our modern age of toxification!)

Organic Lemons
Organic Romaine Hearts (to form the base of your juices)
Organic Kale or any green you love (Collard Greens, Brocoli, Spinach, Swiss Chard, bok choy, etc.)
Organic Carrots (again, a great natural juice sweetener)
Organic Cranberries (Because the sugar content is so low, here is another fruit that is "allowed" if your body is yeasted).

I would only include these in your cleanse if you are certain you are not yeasted: 

Organic Apples (Braeburn, Gala, Fuji are a few of my favs)
Organic Pears
Coconut Flesh


Organic Sweet Potatoes/Yam

Organic Avocados

Veggies for cooking: zucchini squash (my favorite because you can make this into a spaghetti and pour on a ton of great marinara sauce and parmesan cheese and *still* be cleansing!); broccoli, zucchini, summer squash, asperagus, brussel sprouts, scallions, onions, mushrooms..

Raw Organic Goat Cheese (you can find this at Whole Foods; Alta Dena makes a 'chedder' style brand that tastes less like goat. If you can't stand Goat and you are just starting to cleanse for the first time, I recommend feta or raw, organic non-pasteurized cheese/parmesan or Gouda for better digestion)

Organic Butter

Organic free range eggs (you can make to-die-for omellettes on this cleanse)

Fresh wild Fish (halibut, salmon are just a few examples.) Please stay tuned for 'toxicity and fish' post!
Organic Poultry and Red meat if you eat meat..any meat, just as long as it's organic and humanely raised!


Kale Chips (preferably the kind you make at home!) Recipe to follow..
Hummus Dip
Garlic Dip (stay tuned for recipe)


Dark Chocolate (68% or darker; organic)
Laloo's Goat's Milk Ice Cream
Frozen Juice Treats (i.e. if you are not yeasted, I often resort to aloe+pineapple juiced popsicles)

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