Monday, March 12, 2012

Day 7 and The 5 Tibetan Rites


Sooo...Day 7.  I think I'm more proud today than yesterday.  I'm more proud because I had a moment yesterday at the end of my shift that was like staring at the edge of a cliff and either taking the leap or choosing to hang on for dear life and save myself.  Okay, so slightly melodramatic analogy, but it was a rough moment.  I was hungry.  I wanted a muffin.  I wanted spaghetti.  I wanted to sit in front of the television and eat mindlessly.  Instead, I had a hot shower, picked up my new favourite book, cuddled into bed, and ate 2 avocados with a spoon and a dash of sea salt.  Who knew avocados could taste so good?!  Seriously, these special fruits are sooo creamy and decadent...mouth is watering right now...

I guess I'm sort of doing a modified version of the juice feast.  I'm drinking my fresh pressed vegi and fruit juices during the day and evening, and then have a satisfying snack before I fall asleep.  This is keeping me sane and feeling balanced.  I have always been a person who needs to eat something at bedtime, it's like one time where I really enjoy the food that I'm eating...without guilt.  We all have our rituals, and that is mine.  I choose to honour what feels right for me.

I just listened to Natasha from Raw Radiant Health ( talk about the importance of exercise for getting our lymph system flowing and moving.

She talks about how unlike our circulatory system, our lympatic system does not have a pump and so it depends on us to jump and move around to get into flow.  Just thought I'd share a set of yoga poses that I unearthed from my toolbox of  "Things to Do to Feel Less Crappy,"called The 5 Tibetan Rites.

 These five rites are five different exercises that the Tibetan monks have used for centuries up in the peaceful mountains of Tibet. The story goes something like this...In the early 1900's a British army colonel decided to go on adventure and enter the world of a Tibetan monastery. He was astonished by the fact that the men in the monastery did not age.  They were without wrinkles, could bend and contort their spines in ways that 10 year olds in North America could ever dream, and they did not suffer from the chronic illnesses that plague our society.  He discovered that these monks held a secret that was so simple and yet so miraculous...The 5 Rites.

The five ancient Tibetan rites are said to normalize hormonal imbalances in the body, thereby holding the key to lasting youth, health, and vitality. The rites stimulate the energy system in the body, wake up the chakras, and get energy moving from your core outward to your extremities. The theory behind the rites is that your Kundalini (spiritual energy) is stored and lies at the base of your spine and that these rites access that energy in a very efficient, fast, and user-friendly way.

I know that just doing a few sets of these a day, I feel more balanced immediately.  It really is amazing how such brilliant secrets are rarely shared in this society, while diet products and cosmetics are sold as "miracle cures."

Here's a printable version that is great as well:

Okay, again I'm running late for work, must dash.  I hope you all have a FABULOUS FABULOUS DAY!!  (as Natasha would say).


1 comment:

  1. Love this, thanks Erin! Funny, our Christian counselor refers to chakras as "energy channels" and that deserves its own post. Thank you again, I love this--such great stuff on the lymphatic system and how important it is to MOVE IT AND GROVE IT!
