Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Day One

If you let me,
Here's what I'll do...
I'll take care of you.

Okay, so I doubt Drake and Rihanna are chanelling God, but for some reason this song popped into my mind last night as I drifted off to sleep.  It was like all the fears and doubts I have about starting this 10-day juice fast were ready to boil over and erode my ever fragile self-belief, and then... Rihanna started singing in my head.  In my hazy, sleepy state, however, it was like a message from God that I could do this, that I would be taken care of, I just have to let him work in my life.  I have to believe that I can accomplish this 10 day fast and start some major cellular healing.


This is Erin by the way, Margaret's friend from the Great White North.  Margaret told me about Raw Radiant Health's 10 Day Juice Fast (http://www.radiancecentral.com/) and she never fails to inspire me when I feel like all hope is lost.  I was sitting in a foggy haze of self-hatred after an evening of eating gross forms of food (i.e. processed crap) when I got her email about the fast.  Suddenly, I felt that perhaps, I could give this one more shot.  I could give my body the gift of love and prove to myself that there is another way.

So today, I bought major supplies.  I swooped in on all the Booster Juices I could find and sweetly asked for a kazillion juices.  I think they probably hate me.  I just didn't want to give myself any excuse to be without juice when I have to work these next few days.  So they're all stacked up nicely in my freezer and I'll take them out as I need them.  Right now I'm sipping on juice #3 and it totally curbed my cravings, thank the good Lord.

 I'm such a sucker for the aroma of food.  I smelled something like lasagna in the hallway of our apartment building and my mouth started watering...and again that little voice of doubt whispered in my ear.  I grabbed a green juice and poured it into a wine glass and I'm sipping it now as I write.


It feels good to know I have the power to change my day with each small decision not to impersonate the cookie monster.

I also realize that as I nourish my cells with juicy juices, my cravings will lessen.  Our bodies are more intelligent than we give them credit for.  If I am deficient in certain nutrients and life force energy, my cells will scream out for food, and if I am feeding it cardboard, it will scream for more because cardboard will not give my body what it really longs for.  My body wants nourishment and vital energy, not a bunch of processed filler that will sit in lumps and clumps in my digestive tract. I am not a human garbage disposal. I am a body that is housing a soul on this earth.  Everytime I choose to abuse this home, I am telling my soul that it is not worthy of safety or love.

Today I choose love.  Tomorrow I choose more love.  In the form of green juice...and mango juice...and orange/pineapple/carrot/parsley/pear juice.  Yummmmmy.

Thank you Margie-poo for the inspiration.

Luv u to pieces.


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