Sunday, March 11, 2012

Woot woot! Day six!

Day Six?!! Really?!  I'm so proud of myself.  I'm so proud of US.  I agree with Margaret, this is definately much easier than the first few days of the juice feast.  The first few days were sort of...torturous at  times. 

My cravings for whatever everyone else is eating has reduced significantly.  I bravely made my nephewkins fried eggs and ham this morning, and it kinda grossed me out more than made my mouth water like it may have a few days ago. I don't even LIKE meat, but it's funny how when you can't have something, your brain rebels and screams at you for the (supposed) deprivation.

I can't say I'm feeling as rockstar as Margaret.  In fact, I think I'm experiencing some yeast die-off reactions such as achiness and fatigue.  I've been taking probiotics in the form of Bio-K in the morning and Candex later in the day.

 For those of you who don't know, Candex is an awesome product that contains enzymes that dissolves the cell walls of yeast and fungus.  To learn more about the fabulous topic of yeast see:  Bio-K is a fermented milk formula that contains a minimum of 50 BILLION active L. Acidophilus and L. Casei bacteria in each little 98g bottle.  You would have to eat a lot of commercial yogurts to come close to that, and commercial yogurts often contain a lot of sugar and articial flavouring which feeds yeast anyway.

So, I have to dash off to work again, but just wanted to write a little post to say that I am excited to be sharing this experience with dearest Margaret. She is an inspiration.  Just reading her last update on Day Six made me want to guzzle gallons of green juice.  I want to wake up at the "buttcrack of dawn" :p and feel all glowy, inside and out.  Those before and after pics were way more uplifting than the with and without makeup photos of celebs I posted a few days ago. 

Oh yeah, just wanted to share a book that is keeping me entertained when thoughts turn to food:

White Girl Problems, by Babe Walker, a memoir of a spoiled rotten Beverly Hills princess who lands up in shopping rehab:p. 

 "I'll eat anything, as long as it's gluten-free, dairy-free, low-carb, low-fat, sugar-free, and organic," Babe. 

Okay, later homies.  Love you lots.


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