Wednesday, March 14, 2012

YAY FOR ERIN! Day 9 bliss!

Hip Hip Horray Ewin! (that is my weird chinaman moniker for her);)  She not only has made it to nine days, has written the most insanely awesome blogs and has proven to be the most beautiful of souls on planet earth.

I only wish I could have stayed and felt the affects Erin has. At least I know from doing this for 6 days straight, I will always resort back to this when there aren't circumstances beyond my control causing me to curtail the cleanse. This will be short due to *those* circumstances--I have about one eye open but today I want to celebrate Erin's incredible devotion to juicin' and her heart of PURE golden goodness.

Pure juicy goodness for such a pure and beautiful heart, L'Chaim! Perhaps maybe I can fly you out to NYC for a weekend get away for being the bestest friend ever who I have not yet met live but somehow feel like I've known forever? Erin, if you are reading, I have a cool surprise for you soon involving 'elmo' and LMFAO.

Going to hit the hay now because I am just so. tired. . Just one more day 'til sweet Ewin make it to how do you say...finish wine!
wuv, margie-son


  1. You are so so awesome Margaret. Thank you darlin.

  2. Erin is ze awesome one! I reserved the blogger name, "zoobyzoobyzoo.blogspot" just for you so you know just how wonderful I think you are! (it says 'margo' now but we can change it). Also, this is what I'm referring to in case you aren't hooked on Mad Men the way I am:

    maybe this can replace the Elmo song that is torturing us both on repeat?
