Sunday, March 11, 2012

Day Six

Today I'm really feeling the affects of the cleanse in that I have insane amounts of energy; my knees are no longer aching, my complexion has never looked as clear, my eyes are brighter, cellulite next to gone (+++),  and my face is already starting to shrink. Let me explain: as we get older, carbonic gas is what makes our heads expand and when we cleanse and get rid of the putrified matter that is hanging out in our bodies, our bones start to shift due to all the gas pressure unless we intercede. On that note, I think it's really cool to see before and after photos of those who have done these kinds of cleanses, so let me see what I can dig up.

I woke up at the butt crack of dawn (perhaps too much energy and enthusiasm for the day? something I haven't experienced since I was a kid at Christmas). Anyway, just very cool to see how worth it this all is. Oh yeah, I haven't mentioned this yet but I've read that you can slow down your cleanse by having small slivers of avocado everyday; so I've been having about 2 avocados/day (so much for small slivers) dipped in salsa, eaten alone, or mixed with chopped onion, celtic sea salt and fresh garlic. I thank the avocados from the bottom of my heart for making this all possible and I should have mentioned that earlier. There is just no way I could get succeed on this cleanse otherwise.

Now, off to church, hopefully to return with more depth. Oh yeah, before that, here are some before and after pics. If you look at them each closely you can see how their skull structure *literally* [] changes. This and 'that glow' just fascinates me for some reason. I think it's because of the life force that you can see present in them and that is so attractive to me! also, just interesting to me how our Creator designed us to see beauty in the form of health, only we're a society that resorts to quick fix counterfeits to mimic the real thing.  Anyway, 'nuff about all this superficial nonsense! "Looking better" shouldn't be a primary motivator anyway to embracing this lifestyle-I think of it as eating to truly *live* and these things just happen to be really neat-o side affects. 

The second one is of this girl going from year 1 of a raw food lifestyle and what she looks like 10 years later. Ay ay ay!

1 comment:

  1. john just pointed out, "well the photography is better now too"..touche. ok may redo this post if I decide I have even more energy than I wrote about previously.
