Friday, March 9, 2012

On my Way: Day Four

Day Number Four and I can so relate to Margareta's "I Feel Free" post:p.  I do feel free, just not quite as free as I am hoping to feel in the future.

Here's what I'm experiencing on day four:
-more energy
-clearer skin
-less bloating
-less fogginess
-bit happier

I even  had the creative urge to create something..even if I'm a little old for arts and crafts.  I took the suggestion out of  "The Seven Day Total Cleanse," to make an "Intention Coaster," a lovingly created coaster in which I can place my juices on to make juice time that much more special.

Taking some simple playtime to partake in innocent, childlike art activities like this project is remarkably effective.  This is not something most of us normally do...You are a shifting to a place that is different from where you normally are.

In the same way that sipping from a wine or cocktail glass can make this juice feast more decadent, having a pretty, girly coaster to rest my juice on makes this all that much more satifying.  I even pulled out the sparkly pink nail polish to embellish my cute little coaster.  I'm kinda feeling proud of myself, like I should be getting an A+ in art class :p.  Oh the simple child-like joys.  We could learn so much from children and their unassuming love of life.

Again, must focus on abundance rather than lack. Rather than sobbing about what I CAN'T eat or drink, I vow to thank God for all the amazingly gorgeous and flavourful juices I am fortunate enough to sip.

I'm a bit ashamed to admit this, but here's something that sort of cheered me up today:

Gallery: Supermodels Without Makeup or Photoshop

It's liberating to know that these supposedly flawless supermodels are really not so perfect when the makeup and photoshop magic is removed.  It also motivates me to keep cleansing because I want to GLOW without gobs of makeup and perfect lighting.  I want that radiant youthfulness that I have seen from sparkling healthy-celled individuals.

Beyond that, I just want to feel good.  I want to feel free.  I think I'm on my way.



  1. I love this, Erin! thank you so much for contributing. I wish there was a emoticon for 'you so lovely, yer the friend of my duuureaaams!" I love your coaster thanks so much for sharing! ex oh, ex oh- justin timberlake's character from 'bad teacher'. LOVE YOU darling!

  2. I am still jealous of Kate Moss. Bet you're so much better looking though---if they did a before and after it'd likely look like two models, I praytell..

  3. ha ha! I wish! But thank you:p. I wuv you too, friend of my dweeeeams. ex oh
