Friday, March 9, 2012

Day Four

Last night I was craving everything you can think of it, even things I had long put out of my memory--things like 'gobstoppers' and 'Casa de Pico' style Mexican food (which is a restaurant I used to frequent almost monthly back 5 years ago in San Diego); steak (I haven't had a steak since I was 5); and McDonalds Chicken McNuggets but not the blue-meated ones they make now but the kind from the 80's where there were fewer health regulations and they were likely dipped in lard.  I hear all this is pretty common as you get deeper into the whole cleansing thing, just somehow it's always weirder when it happens to you.

Since today is Friday, I thought why not get a little fancy? Truth be told, I was totally inspired by Erin's post yesterday on how our glasses *matter*. I suppose it's sort of like dressing for the job you want. You have to juice for the glam life you know you have [or will have]. But I do agree, it affects us on a psychological level and it wasn't 'til Erin pointed out the wine glass that I noticed that I refuse to ever use our Ikea silver at our house over the wedding stuff because unconsciously I was already  aware that food just doesn't taste as good otherwise. And now I must seem like the biggest snob and I'm really more of a muppet.

So here is my morning juice (in addition to the green juice I always have as a staple). It was just simply diviiiine. Now I'm back in my undivine cubicle and I have to get chopping work-wise. The best part about "day 4" if you feel a surge of energy, I've started receiving compliments letting me know something is working because it cannot be the up do that is... and I feel raw and radiant.  More to come, stay tuned...

Pineapple + Mango + Raspberries + Coconut Meat

As promised, here was my first savory meal (I was getting tired of just having vegetable broth, carrot juice and ginger root tea for 3 days straight) so here is what I whipped up tonight:

Vegetable Tomato Basil Soup

Savory Vegetable Tomato Basil Broth: 
8 tomatoes
10 basal leaves
6 garlic cloves (as you can see I really love garlic!)
1 onion
5 cups (32 oz.) vegetable broth

Heat Pacifica Vegetable Broth on stove. Juice the rest of the ingredients and add the new "juice" to the broth. Sprinkle with fresh pepper and basal to taste.  I would give this 4 stars out of 5 when it comes to 'cleanse worthy food'. I'd definitely have it again.

Benefits of the aforementioned ingredients:

Basil:  Basil herb contains exceptionally high levels of beta-carotene, vitamin A, cryptoxanthin, lutein andzea-xanthin. These compounds help act as protective scavengers against oxygen-derived free radicals and reactive oxygen species (ROS) that play a role in aging and various disease process. Basil also has anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties and are very rich source of many essential nutrients, minerals, and vitamins that are essential for optimum health.

Tomatos: It contains numerous antioxidants which combat various types of cancer. Also tomato is rich in minerals and vitamins and also protects the heart from cardiovascular diseases. It improves the texture and color of the skin, is good blood purifier, helps in the cases of congestion of liver and also dissolve gallstones and prevents macular degeneration and other eye diseases. 

Onions: prevent cancer by reducing the DNA damage in cells caused by free radicals, destroys tumor cells, lower blood pressure, detoxifies the body, lowers triglycerides, boosts beneficial HDL cholesterol, prevents blood clots, protects the heart, lowers blood sugar, treat asthma, the list is endless. 

Garlic: serves as a natural antibiotic, gets rid of acne, is an antioxidant, prevents blood clots, antibacterial, and slows the aging process!

And since this is a juice FEAST, I figured why not have veggie chocolate milk in a wine glass tonight and celebrate. Oddly, this time I didn't feel the need to add the chocolate flavored stevia or cinnamon which I believe is because my taste buds have adjusted. Now carrots actually taste to die for and this is only after a mere 4 days of only drinking juices. It feels as if 1 day of cleansing somehow amounts to erasing the ravages of an entire year. I've heard many say this but now that I am experiencing it, it feels more like science at this point.

Veggie "Chocolate Milk" fancy style!

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