Saturday, March 10, 2012

Day 5 Juices

I took a few pictures because I notice when I do it holds me accountable in terms of mixing them up and not just having the same old thing again. So here's what I made tonight:

Below is a picture of the hydrating beverage I had, since I snuck a latte in.
disclaimer: I'm not one to do things 100% pure because I like to think of these things as 'adding in to crowd out' not 'deprivation'. My idea of success is to get a return on whatever we do so and now I suppose my secret it out!

Summer in Winter Watermelon-Cucumber Juice:

Watermelons: an excellent source of vitamin A, which helps maintain eye health and is an antioxidant; vitamin C, which helps strengthen immunity, heal wounds, prevent cell damage, promote healthy teeth and gums; and vitamin B6, which helps brain function and helps convert protein to energy. Watermelon is great source of potassium, which helps muscle and nerve function, helps maintain the body's proper electrolyte and acid-base balance, and helps lower the risk of high blood pressure. Last, it has the highest concentrations of lycopene (cancer fighting agents) of any fresh fruit or vegetable.

Cucumbers: stimulate hair growth, prevent kidney and bladder stones, defend against aging; its Vitamin K has been found to have potential role in bone strength by promoting osteotrophic (bone mass building) activity; aid in hydration, prevent weight gain, act as a diuretic, reduce blood sugar and heart rates, and act as protective scavengers against oxygen-derived free radicals.

Dinner:  veeeola:

Beet, Beet Greens, Kale, apples, carrots, lemon, ginger, lettuce heart soon-to-be in juice form!

And wallah, the juice:

And last, here is me trying to incorporate Natasha St. Michael's advice to get out into the sunshine, get some fresh air and run around to get the lymphatic system going, which turned out to be more like Lafayette running around me..


  1. Love it!! Not only is the blog beautiful, but it's chocful of humor and awesome information. I especially love the nutritional information for each ingredient.

    We're still in India, and have been gorging ourselves on fresh fruits and veggies... but I still can't wait to get back to juicing.

    1. Awww thanks so much, Naom! What a nice treat (I sound like my mom ahhh!) when I woke up this morning to receive your comment, especially since I know you're on vacation. I am dying to hear about your trip and all the fruits and veggies in season over there. Perhaps you can swing by for some juice a la Cain so we can swap all our latest updates and talk shop. Have a safe flight back! xo
